ln this fast changing world of education, a coordination among the principals of different C.B.S.E schools, geographically close to each other has been felt imperative and so is the concept of sahodaya school complex. The purpose is to plan together, execute together and rise together, but to reach to the goal quality leadership is one of the most inevitable elements to cater to the needs of the learners and bring a significant difference in their learning outcomes, ability and attitude towards seeing and visualizing things. This quality leadership has an even greater task and that is to work as a pivot for the teachers to provide vision, direction and support.

ln this modern era,challenges are innumerable and a number of them are unexpected, diversified, and complex. Tackling such challenges sometimes prove to be anarduous task,and so the Principals are supposed to be adjusting, understanding and visionary while addressing issues of vital importance, as the problems may also be paradoxical,oxymoronic or full of dilemma. In such situations sahodaya complexes provide an opportunity to interact with the principals to streamline the issues and sort out common solutions.

Sahodaya Complex Ramgarh Chapter is also expected and destined to build a network among the principals associated with it and across the circumference for the exchange and mentoring of different programmes.During last few years, since its inception,this complex has worked together for the betterment of education and co-ordination in policy making.I hope that Sahodaya Complex Ramgarh Chapter will keep fulfilling its task and play a positive role in the world of education.

My hearty congratulations for the achievements made in the past and a pure support to all the members of Sahodaya Complex Ramgarh Chapter,who have been a support for me too.

With Best Wishes

Dr. Urmila Singh
Sahodaya Complex , Ramgarh Chapter



List of Sahodaya as on 23.04.22

